Monday 4 August 2014


Catching Up.

Over the past week or so  I've done a fair amount of training, in one form or other. I've cycled, run, climbed a crap-load of stairs, and I've trained in the gym quite a lot. I've been eating cleaner too. My body really notices when the slightest whiff of gluten passes my lips, I've had some accidental slip-ups, and I've even eaten some supposedly GF meals that've made me sick too. My body responds quicker the more time off gluten I have, so being clean means I notice the traces now...interesting times. Still, I mostly fuel my body with good nutrients and train pretty hard, so I'm happy I'm making progress.

I Love this. Charry.

Riding to Work

On top of the occasional run to work, which is pretty draining since I do the stair-master workout as part of my daily routine on my ship, I've started riding my road bike to work. It's around 10-11km depending on the route I ride, but its a great way to start and finish my day. Plus I beat the traffic and get to add the kilometres to my legs a different way!

My Gymania

It's awesome being back into a regular workout routine. I've missed it. But now I'm training hard, gaining functional strength and seeing minor changes all the time. My gym-focus is back with a renewed vengeance and its helping me get my body ready for marathon time.

I've changed my routine more regularly to keep myself on my toes. I've thrown in abdominal workouts at the end of my weights sessions (instead of during the rest sets), so I can rest, hydrate and prep for the next set, since I've been going a little heavier.

I've continued to utilise dumbbells, barbells, cables, med-balls and my favourite of the moment kettle bells. I'm planning on utilising my TRX onboard my ship (if possible) and I'm going to try doing "cardio intervals" during intra-workout in the gym too.

I've recently joined Fitness First, they look after members of the Defence Force, and have some really good flexible options for people like me. I get to train with Winnie and that just makes me very happy. Our workouts are always fun and its nice to spend that quality time together being healthy :)

Tonight, I concluded a fairly progressive Shoulders workout, with an abdominal blast. I actually managed to rope Ms Cheezo (one of my colleagues on my new ship, and good friend of Holmie) into doing it with me. We did Figure 8 crunches, Med-ball throw and catch sit-ups, overhead v-sits with kettle bells, heavy kettle bell standing side crunches - all 3 sets of 10 (or more). 

It was fun to repeat this workout, its one that Winnie and I did on the weekend at the gym too. Although, Ms Cheezo did find the med-ball to be a little challenging, throwing, catching and sit-ups all at once! It was a laughter inducing experience.....LOL.

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