Thursday 12 June 2014

Day 79 - Changing it up...

Time for Change

It's fast approaching the time for me to knuckled down and get my body ready for the spring running festivals that I am enrolled in. This means reducing the weight training, increasing my cardio - specifically my runs and working on my endurance.

From an endurance point of view, I've been busting a groove on this for nearly a month now, with some interesting results. I noticed additional strength when cycling, I noticed slightly increased fatigue when swimming, but running has reached a sort of plateau....I think the daily routine of weights is awesome, I'm addicted to it. I love it. However, I need to reduce it and increase my cardio training.

Today I worked out in the gym with a pretty full on arms and abdominal session. I pushed hard for nearly 2 hours and really gave the gun a good going over. I've noticed my core strength improving, and I really want to maintain that, so I'm toying with the idea of developing a strength-based all over body workout to compliment my running aspirations and training.

One thing I did notice was that starting over at the new gym really hindered my workout. I was looking for kit and having to make changes on the fly because the new gym has different gear. Thank goodness for options and the learning I've achieved in this so far!

I will do some more research and see what advice I can glean from experts and experienced peeps before I make too many drastic changes. This week I plan on increasing the run distances, and frequency of my run too. I plan on changing the gym routines to more reps, much lower weights (perhaps even just body weight) and I'll start combining muscle groups to start giving the whole body a workout each session.

Tomorrow I'll give you a little more insight into how I plan to develop my next routine, and how I plan to train specifically for the next big milestone - The Blackmore's Sydney Marathon.

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