Friday 13 June 2014

Day 80 - Trainers on.

Day 80 - A Long Road Travelled.

80 Days ago I decided to start something. I can't believe I'm still going strong, stronger than ever in fact. I feel awesome, albeit a little fatigued, but awesome. My life feels like it has turned a real corner in the health and fitness department and that is what I was after.

12 weeks in, and my will power is growing with my strength. I've noticed that on this journey (and thanks for hitching a ride with me, I love the company) my eating habits are consistently improving, my strength and admiration for gym work has increased, and my cardio elements are really going from strength to strength. The best bit is that people are starting to notice my body changing and that adds motivation, and the extra support from those around us by means of the occasional compliment goes such a long way in helping us to keep our compass pointing in the right direction.

Changing the Game.

After a little advice from a super fit colleague of mine about distance running training, I've decided to do as I said yesterday. I'm increasing my kilometre count per week, adding the distance to my legs. I really want my body to be comfortable and be able to sustain a full marathon. The only way I can successfully achieve this is to put my trainers on, and get my run on. I plan to taper my gym sessions, maintaining strength and core work but not heavy. I'm going to be continuing with the endurance training, but more reps and lots lighter weight. 

Starting Monday, my program will look a little more unusual - especially since I will mostly train at night. I cannot fit much into the mornings due to work commitments for the next 2 weeks....

So, my plan is in formation. I'm currently working on my running sessions having some variety-flavour! I want to throw in a 5km speed session, a Hills Session (in principle a HIIT Workout), a Spin-Run Brick Session (something like a 5km Spin then 10km Run), a middle distance 15km Run, and a long run (25-35km or thereabouts). I also want to maintain at least 2-3 swims per week, and a minimum of 3 gym workouts. I'm going to spend this weekend building a new endurance, low weight program for myself, so watch this space.

Half a Marathon

Since signing up for the Marathon, I've only done sub-10km runs for one reason or another. Today I decided to change that. I thought at first to do a 16km run, then as my run progressed I felt comfortable pushing the distance. I ran 20.9km, so for arguments sake a half marathon and that was a great start.

I have to say, at first I was running with slightly sore right ankle (due to some heavy challenges at footie the other night Bruce Lee was on the opposing team and he had a good go at trying to snap my ankle! After the first 5km were out of the way, my legs started to be less obvious to me and my ankle pains subsided a little. I ran past Jervis Bay Village, Green Patch, Bristol Point, Scottish Rocks, Hole in the Wall and finally arrived at Murrays Boat Ramp (MBR). MBR is about the furthest south you can get to in Jervis Bay by road; located 8.5km from my warm cosy cabin, it did however offer the most fantastic sunset on my arrival - well worth the effort in getting there. I took a few seconds to enjoy the vista afore my eyes, take leak and get back on my way again. As I headed back up the hill (not experienced this particular hill since my Exercise Matapan scenarios from NEOC) donned my head torch and made for HMAS Creswell.

As I approached the 10km point, at around 56minutes, I snapped open my first ever GU Gel electrolyte. I opted for 'Espresso Love' flavour.

After talking with IronRay, I cautiously took small sips of the extra thick gel at 1km intervals. I didn't have my hydration bladder with me, so I took the small quantity of gel and pasted it around my gums and sort of sucked it and mixed it with my saliva to make it more palatable. I have to say though, no complaints on taste or the thickness. I made the gel last a little longer, and controlled the uptake of the energy gel. At the 15-16km mark, I stuffed the empty packet into my shorts zipper pocket and continued on. By comparison to the Endura Brand, the gel was thicker and more noticeably so. No after affects on my gut from either gel is a very good sign for this glutard!

As I ran through the gates at Creswell I felt the surge of energy kick in and I pushed through to chuck in a couple laps of the quarter deck, clock tower and waterfront...just for shits and giggle...well, actually to firstly hit 18km...then I kept going and at 20km I was almost home, thought I'd make the 21km exactly...but 100m out and still under 2hrs of running...I was very pleased.

Average Pace: 5:43/km
Average Heart Rate: 149bpm
Calories Burnt: 1807

I took a screenshot from Map My Ride's website, and it shows a few points of interest. The run was essentially a dark run, with many a kangaroo and cane toad along the roadside. I saw a sum total of 6 cars in 2 hours of road running off-base. It was a beautiful evening, fairly balmy until the sun was finally set and then it was pretty chilly (especially when my sweaty singlet was sticking to me).

These pretty much sum up how I feel at the end of any long run, and why I keep going....

Good Night x

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